It’s quite hard to find the right floorball stick if you’re a beginner-level player. You must have a proper stick to enjoy the full charm of playing this sport, which is also named uni-hockey. Thankfully, there are numerous places where you can use different sticks. But you can also read reviews about floorball sticks to ensure you buy the best one. Here we have lined up the top 10 floorball sticks that include options for junior as well as senior players.

Best Floorball Sticks Review

Top Floorball Sticks

Brand/ModelShaft (cm)ColorPrice
ACCUFLI XORO Z100 Stick100Black/Teal/OrangeSee Price
Salming 2020 Aero Z77/82/87/92/96BlueSee Price
Fatpipe Z-Tricks Stick80/87/92/96BlackSee Price
Oxdog Fusion 3287/96OrangeSee Price
ACCUFLI Airtek A80 Stick82Green/TealSee Price
2017 Fatpipe Spooky MX75Black/LimeSee Price
(August) 2024 Salming Xtremelite96/100/103BlackSee Price
Campus 2019 Salming Shooter 3096/100WhiteSee Price
Floorbee Falcon Pro 2696/100/104BlackSee Price
Salming Hawk Powerlite Oval103BlackSee Price

1. ACCUFLI Floorball Tricks XORO Z100 Stick

ACCUFLI Floorball Tricks XORO Z100 Stick

Outstanding floorball tricks stick that’s designed for advanced-level players who are looking to improve their skills. Its lightweight design, sturdy shaft, soft PU grip, and high-grade materials make it perfect for performing a variety of tricks and acrobatics. It is suitable for both ball hockey and floorball and can help you improve your hand-eye coordination and agility.

2. Salming 2020 Aero Z Floorball Stick

Salming 2020 Aero Z Floorball Stick

The Salming 2020 Aero Z Stick is one of the most advanced models on the market. Made of EnduranceTM material, this stick has a blade specifically shaped for Z tricks and feints. Available in four different lengths, the lightweight, 77 cm model is good for intermediate and advanced players. The Flame Red version has a softer and more responsive feel, which is nice for developing fundamental skills.

3. Fatpipe Z-Tricks Stick

Fatpipe Z-Tricks Floorball Stick

The Fatpipe Z-Tricks Floorball sticks are designed for right-handed and left-handed players. It features a custom curve and a toe pocket for practicing Z tricks. The stick is constructed of lightweight but durable fiberglass, and the soft PU grips make it easy to hold while playing. It’s also a legal game, so it’s an absolute choice for amateur and intermediate players alike.

4. Oxdog Fusion 32 Floorball Stick

Oxdog Fusion 32 Floorball Stick

The Oxdog Fusion 32 floorball stick is an excellent choice for players of all skill levels. It features a round grip profile and a composite material shaft. Its dazzling orange and green blades will help you dominate the court. The ultralight stick is really meant for players with shorter arms. It is certified by the International Floorball Federation, which means it is durable and long-lasting.

5. ACCUFLI Airtek A80 Floorball Stick

ACCUFLI Airtek A80 Floorball Stick

Another elegant stick by ACCUFLI that offers great performance in the game of floor hockey With a wide ball juggling area and durable shafts, the Airtek A80 provides superior comfort and control. The Airtek features an XORO blade with ball pockets that allow for more creative play and tricks. It’s also available in three different lengths, with the A80 being the longest.

6. 2017 Spooky MX Straight Blade Stick

2017 Spooky MX Straight Blade Stick

This is the latest addition to the line of straight-blade floorball hockey sticks. The particular model has a total length of 95 cm and a flex-33 shaft. It features a lime green blade and a black grip for a classic look. The blade is slightly harder than the Campus 36/34 sticks, which means that it will have an extra-long lifespan

7. 2024 Salming Xtremelite Floorball Stick

2021 Salming Xtremelite Stick

The Salming XtremeLite is one of the premium performance sticks among its competitors. It has a 30 mm flex, making it ideal for players that weigh between 50 and 60 kg. Boasting an ergonomic design that ensures a great feel of the ball, Among its many advantages, this stick is certified by the International Association of Floorball Federations (IAF).

8. Campus Shooter 30 Floorball Stick

Campus Shooter 30 Floorball Stick

The Campus Shooter 30 floorball stick is a powerful, beginner-level stick with a composite shaft and shooter blade. It also has a base grip and features a pre-curved heel and double horizontal cavity to help produce sharp shots. This model is available in 92, 96, and 100 cm lengths, making it a vital choice for a beginner or hobbyist.

9. Floorbee Falcon Pro 26 Floorball Stick

Floorbee Falcon Pro 26 Floorball Stick

An exclusive sleek and clean-designed floorball hockey stick with a black upper and matte finish that makes it suitable for either on- or off-wave play. It’s also comfortable to hold, with the shaft’s blade extending one to two inches above the belly button. This stick is sized depending on the length of the shaft, with shorter sticks providing greater reach and longer sticks giving you better control.

10. Salming Hawk Powerlite Oval Stick

Salming Hawk Powerlite Oval Stick

The Hawk Powerlite floorball stick is a new addition to the Salming line. It features a slimmer shaft that includes four notches to fit a slimmer player. This makes it viable for players of all skill levels. However, older sticks may not fit in the blade and can break at the lower portion. The lighter weight of the Purity grip makes it stand out from other models. While it’s similar to Tourlite WetTac, it is significantly stronger than its predecessor.

Choosing The Best Floorball Sticks

It’s not quite easy to find the right floorball stick in case you don’t have any prior experience in this game. We suggest you first visit any local floorball club and examine how different players play using different types of sticks. Otherwise, go to a local sports outlet and have hands-on experience with various floorball sticks. Let’s go ahead and see other factors to consider when finalizing your decision to invest in a floorball stick.

Body Side

Select a stick that naturally fits into your hands and makes you feel comfortable playing from either the right-hand side or left-hand side.

Stick Length

Beginners and experts use shaft size standards to choose floorball sticks. They provide the ideal shaft length for a player’s height, maximizing floorball performance and comfort.

The charts categorize players by height and assign shaft lengths. Consider a 65-67 cm shaft for 120-140 cm players and 96-103 cm for 160-180 cm players. By customizing their sticks, players may enhance their shooting, passing, and handling.

Player style and position affect shaft size. For agility and quick shots, forwards may choose shorter sticks, while defenders may prefer longer shafts for blocking and passing.


Popular indoor sport floorball performance and playability depend on stick flex size. The stick’s shaft stiffness depends on the flex size, measured in millimeters. A stiffer shaft has a flex value of 25 or 29, whereas a more flexible shaft has 32 or 36.

Players choose flex sizes according to their preferences and playing style. Defensive players who require accurate passes and shots choose stronger shafts. But offensive players who want to score prefer a flexible shaft because it may boost shot power and quickness.

A player’s strength and shooting technique also affect flex size. Stronger athletes may need a stiffer flex than younger or smaller ones. Weight and playing position recommendations from floorball stick manufacturers help players pick the correct flex size.

Finally, choosing the right floorball stick flex size is essential for performance and fun. Players should consider their playing style, position, physical qualities, and personal preferences while choosing equipment.


Most manufacturers use different materials in making floorball sticks to meet the budgets and needs of different level players. They commonly use plastic, fiberglass, carbon, and composite materials in their construction. Sticks made of plastic are relatively cheap but fragile and ideal for kids, beginners, or part-timers.

Those floorball sticks, which are crafted using a combination of fiberglass and composite materials, are more durable and a bit pricy but offer a long-lasting satisfactory performance. Lastly, they use carbon material to make the sticks lightweight while maintaining a high level of flexibility, durability, and performance for every player.


As the blade is the backbone of the stick, keep in mind two things about the blade when buying a floorball stick. Its hardness and concavity level They use soft, medium, and hard materials in the blade. The blades constructed with the toughest material are considered the best among others to shoot the floorball ball out of the park!

Talking about concavity, several blades have a built-in ball pocket and are bent a little bit at the end to catch the ball nicely. It’s vital for shooting. You can go with a straight blade if multiple players use the same stick for training purposes.


As the shafts of floorball sticks have two types of shapes, round and oval, the grips also come accordingly. The more you invest in a nice quality stick grip, the more it will provide you with a moisture-free environment and a firm grip over the stick without making your hands sticky. An inexpensive and cheaply made grip will lack these features and tear away very soon.


We hope you found our brief thoughts on each floorball stick valuable. Among various factors, while selecting floorball sticks, price, material, and concavity of the blade are the basic things that you should look at. Moreover, you also have to look for the types of sticks that you can examine by visiting your local sports club. Then, compare the different types and decide which one suits your needs best. If you still have any questions or suggestions, you can reach out by commenting to us below; we always appreciate hearing from our readers!

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